/ Teothe / Tables


RAW resurrection spells such as ''Revivify'' are not allowed besides this table. There are penalties for consecutive resurrections, ask DM. Materials are consumed by the spell. Keep in mind you'll need a body, or a part of it in most cases.

Expenditure10 HP Vouch (Max 20, DC-10 each)Bard, Cleric, Paladin10 minutesNo
RevivifyDiamond worth 300 gpCleric, Paladin, Artificer1 minuteNo
Raise DeadDiamond worth 500 gpBard, Cleric, Paladin10 daysNo
ReincarnateRare oils worth 1000 gpDruid10 daysYes, roll new species
ResurrectionDiamond worth 1000 gpBard, Cleric100 yearsYes, except magical
True ResurrectionHoly water & Diamond worth 25000 gpCleric, Druid200 yearsYes
ExistanceDiamond worth 25000 gpBard200 yearsYes, roll new species